We all have heavy hearts from time to time - When a loved one moves on, we need to say goodbye -
My dear Michelle Littlefield . My beautiful angel . You are in every day of my life when I close my eyes at night in all my prayers, dreams , projects and every second and minute , I'm sorry it's imposible for me not to see you everywhere that I go , and it's really a gift because I miss you too much . I know you would like me to continue on this journey with a positive attitude, strength and happiness and I definitely work on this pretty hard and with God's help I will do it also because I want you to feel proud of me and from heaven send me your thumbs up. Do not worry I'll
Continue being funny and smiling . The same mom who shared so many incredible moments that made you laugh without any reason , your mom with a freely and adventure spirit . I love you with all my heart and I thank God for giving me one of his most precious angels . Gigi
Sometimes, ah Many Times we just need to grieve, cry and mourn. It is right and healthy.
Take note of the WATCHMAKER in the sky and see the dials of His Timepiece spin. Always and forever the lights are on and GOD is ALWAYS PRESENT - Time is a vision of Eternity in a way that our minds can comprehend in small portions.
6-6 2017
Michelle Michelle Littlefield my Michi , my everything. I remember when few days before the event that changed our lives forever you came to me and you said that I need a hug and hugged me . I was feeling so happy , I had ever expect that could be the last hug from you at least in the physical way because now I feel all the time those spirituals hugs when I need them the most . I won't lie is an unbearable pain ,too hard to live without you , but God is by my side , he comforts me and giving me peace to my heart He is the only one can help us like always said to you . Today we were celebrating a special day , your graduation from high school a big accomplishment , we are so proud of you , send us your love from heaven , hug us in our dreams by the way I like to see those messages on my cell , my precious girl don't forget we love you forever until we meet again mommy Gig and daddy Willy Jay

do well in school and was my motivation to push myself to do my best as well. We would constantly procrastinate our assignments and wind up skyping all night together to finish. We bonded over sleepless nights and tired mornings. It was always nice knowing that at 1 am when I couldn't sleep I could txt Michelle and she'd be in the same boat. I looked forward to picking her up in the morning for school, she made days better and brighter. On several occasions while in our classrooms or roaming the campus people would ask, "Are you two sisters?" and it got to a point where we would laugh and say, "we outta be!". Michelle and I had very similar personalities and views on life, our friendship was effortless. Along with school we both worked at Six Flags Magic Mountain together. I looked forward to the shifts where I could go to her ride and say a quick "hey michelley!" and a "see you soon!"
I could be myself with Michelle and I felt she could be herself with me too. The Wednesday before she passed we went on a ice cream date after our class where we caught up on usual topics of boys, school, and life's obstacles. After the ice cream and the conversation we both felt much better and we left off with a hug goodbye. The week went on as normal I texted her a few times asking about an assignment and wishing her a good day at Disneyland. That Saturday I got the news of the car accident she and her co workers had gotten in. And just like that, my best friend was gone. To this day I am frustrated and heartbroken that someone as pure as Michelle could lose their life in such an unnecessary way. I will keep the many memories we shared together with me always. Miss you Michelley.
Love is a miraculous feeling that gives us strength and hope even in the most painful moments. Also patience to way for a sign , maybe a yellow flower growing in your garden that you never seen before or a simple beam streaming through your window cherishing your heart. Definitely love never ends. Finally we understand that loves sometimes involves the sacrifice of letting go so you can open your wings and be free. Daddy Willy and I will keep you so close and deep , filling every day of our lives until we meet again . Farewell my dear angel, tell everyone we said hi, ask God to send us some amazing grace and may we all partake of the tree of life.May we all be quick to forgive and be quick to know God. Daddy and mama love you here to the stars and beyond.-----
Goodbye [In Memory of Michelle Littlefield]
6-19-2016 Father's Day 2016
Sarah Kholos I can't sleep knowing that something so tragic has happened. Michelle Littlefield was such a beautiful young woman inside and out. She & her family were like family to me. I will always cherish our memories together at Patriot Martial Arts.
Sending my thoughts & prayers to the family. Michelle's memory & good spirits will live on forever.
Life is so precious; it isn't always fair. "Every hurt is a lesson, and every lesson makes you better."
"I just want to say I knew Michelle in HIGH SCHOOL. There was no one like this beautiful girl. She was so gifted and truly blessed with a pure heart and soul. She is one of the few people I've met in my life with such a loving, kind, pure hearted spirit. She cared about everyone and loved everyone regardless of what they looked like and regardless of there flaws she was always accepting and loving towards each person she has ever met. What a blessing she was to have someone like her in this world, I am so so blessed to have known her and to have spoken with her over the years. I hope one day I see her in heaven, I pray for the family that have to suffer through this tragic time, and to Michelle's parents you gave the world a blessing that they will remember forever. I will forever remember Michelle and she will be in my heart and others hearts forever. Prayers and peace to Michelle's family and friends. My heart and my prayers go out to you. May god bless you. And comfort you and give you peace."

Bradley Rice - Yesterday was a challenging day and it will be challenging in the days ahead. The world lost two incredible individuals yesterday in Brian Lewandowski and Michelle Littlefield and I was privileged to work with them throughout the year last year, and Brian even this year. I have fond memories of both of them that I'll be able to keep with me throughout my life. I pray for the families of both of them as they grieve the loss of their loved ones. I also pray for Tony and Alfonso that they can make it through and for their families as well. You can do it, co-leads! Words can only say so much. It's a reminder that life is short. It is crucial to not let drama get in the way of things, but to bond together and push through like a family, especially Six Flags. I'm here for all of you. If you need to talk, let me know and I'll be glad to. Stay strong everyone. I love you all. Michelle Littlefield ‘ s friend and coworker at Six Flags Magic Mountain Bradley Rice

It is so sad that Michelle Littlefield, probably, no was and is the sweetest girl I had the honor of knowing!! She was actually there for me during some tough times, was my math buddy and was just a joy to be with!! I will miss her, I have and am crying for the fact she had to leave so soon when she had so much more to give to the world! Rip Michelle, you will always be missed and loved!!
This is from Hannah Michelle's friend and classmate from Holy Redeemer her
My Memories of Michelle
By Rich Triquart - 12 2021
Michelle Littlefield’s eyes lit up from the very first moment I made her acquaintance. It may have been in fourth grade in Mrs. Schall’s class, or was it in 5th grade with Mrs. Espinola? The exact date may have slipped my mind, but I remember those first looks from Michelle Littlefield. It is that look that says, I want you to succeed Mr. Triquart. I believe in you! It is a gift of empowerment, and Michelle had it from the very beginning. I wish I could take more credit on the development of such a special student and human being, but I can’t. Michelle placed her trust in me from the very first moment I walked into the classroom, and spoke so clearly through her actions, “Let’s do this Mr. T!”. Michelle was a very special student, but she was an even better human being who left us far too soon.
It wasn’t until Michelle (or Ms. Littlefield as I called her then) was in 6th grade when she officially became a student of mine. We would continue to see each other in either math or Literature (or both) every day over the next three years (not counting summers). As a result of spending so much time together, I learned a great deal from Michelle and these lessons continue to grow within me today.
Children in middle school are so unique. Each one carries special qualities. Some hide their gifts and put-up defenses and are more reserved in showing their true selves. Insecurities run rampant at the middle school level, but never with Michelle. She put herself out there and put herself in totally vulnerable positions day in and day out by being honest and trusting towards the pursuit of learning and being a good person to her fellow classmates. She didn’t care about the risks. She did not care about standing alone. If many students were messing around and off task, she would be still and patient and give me a look of confidence saying, “You got this Mr. T!”
Michelle had a strong religious compass already engrained, and this made her special. Michelle was strong. No one can stand alone in the pursuit of goodness and not be strong. However, she could get hurt like any young teen. While it did not happen often, it still hurt me when she was down. While Michelle would do her best not to burden me with it, I did my best in those moments to let her know I was in her corner. However, this is my point. Michelle was resilient. If she got hurt, she had this ability to bounce back the next day and bring joy again to the classroom. She never allowed the previous day to affect tomorrow’s core belief in people. This was Michelle.
Academically, Michelle was not perfect. For example, math did not come easy for Michelle particularly in those early years. However, she grew to become a strong math student by the time she left us for high school. I remember at that time, she wanted to be a veterinarian. She loved animals which was no surprise if you knew Michelle. She was so kind to all living things. This helped motivate her, but she also was eager to please. She wanted to do well for her teachers, and this also helped drive her to succeed. When Michelle didn’t get the math grade she desired, she wouldn’t go after the teacher or make excuses. She would get frustrated, but instead she simply worked harder. If memory serves, in 6th grade she missed far too many homework assignments, but she soon turned it around once she understood the class expectations. In 7th and 8th grade I can’t remember her missing a homework assignment. Further, Michelle would come in at lunch time and ask questions. She constantly picked my brain during class time soaking up as much knowledge as I could give her while enjoying every moment of the class.
In literature she was even better. Whether she knew it or not, Michelle had a hungry desire to continuously feed her soul. In Literature Michelle shined! She routinely had her hand signals up in the air to either signal for a comment or an answer, and her eyes lit up and a smile crossed her face when she was called upon. She loved to read and extract meaning from the passages. She loved connecting similar themes from poetry, musical lyrics, short stories, or novels. Themes of love, determination and resiliency, hardship, sadness from loss, or joy in humanity’s victories, excited Michelle. During our daily shared readings which always opened our literature classes, she was always completely tuned in to every word I read to the class. On special days when I got to take the class out for a special activity, Michelle would have as much fun as anyone giving her best to her teammates while practicing exemplary sportsmanship.
While Michelle was not perfect, I was far from being a perfect teacher. Too often there were times where I didn’t have much patience, and rather than rise up and give her my very best, I was instead short tempered with my responses to her inquiries. And sadly, the most specific memory of Michelle that I carry with me came at our last meeting long after she graduated from our school. She would occasionally come back to check in on me after she graduated from 8th grade. Her last special visit came at an open house for our school. At this time, I believe Michelle was in college. However, on this occasion, I had a dropout in memory and forgot her name altogether. I knew this was Michelle Littlefield(!); and yet I couldn’t even call her “Ms. Littlefield” like I had done so many times before. So, we ended up talking in very general terms and then she left with her mom Gigi. This was to be the last time I saw Michelle. This is how we parted ways prior to that horrific fateful day when she was killed by a reckless driver on the I5. I know she would be in pain seeing me hurt by how I left things. I know she is saying “its ok Mr. T”, but it still hurts that I forgot her name on our last day together. Like I said, I was far from perfect, but Michelle was always a wonderfully forgiving person.
Like for so many, 2021 has been a personally difficult year for me. It is interesting how God works. I created a little impromptu lost and found video for my daughter’s school on behalf of our PTA with the goal of getting many lost and found items back to their owners. It was then posted by another PTA member on Facebook. However, for me to see the feedback from the video, I needed to create a Facebook account. Soon I realized the potential to piece the chapters of my life between Los Angeles and Washington (where I currently live) together as one. It was because of this, that I was able to reconnect with Gigi and then her husband Willy Jay. They asked me a favor if could jot down my memories of Michelle. I was honored. It is now 10:13 on New Year’s Eve and there is nothing in this whole world that I would rather be doing. I don’t think it is a coincidence that now following this tumultuous year, Michelle and her parents and I have all reconnected. And now, after working through my memories of Michelle, I realize that even if the worst of possible outcomes falls upon me, I can handle it and not only survive, but have the strength to use the misfortunate event to make me even stronger. That is what is Michelle taught me.
Michelle was a beautiful soul. I think of her often when looking at my own daughter Ella. Gigi and Willy Jay are inspirations to me both in being amazing parents to Michelle, and also serving as a beacon towards how to carry on through the toughest of times. Michelle had so much more to give to this world. It is said so often to live each day as though it is your last. No matter what the future holds for me, I know that today I have my daughter. I know that I can pass on Michelle’s spirit on to her. I know that as we now are on the cusp on 2022, I am thankful to be able to share my memories of Michelle Littlefield, because sharing Michelle’s memory makes us better people.
Rich Triquart
College of the Canyons Vigil
2-29-2016 - Hi my name is Kimberly. I know you don't know me, but I knew your daughter. The other day I saw her picture on FB and I prayed and prayed that it wasn't her. I called her cellphone and texted her many times. I just want to say that I am so so sorry for your loss. Your daughter was in my stats class at College of the Canyons and was one of the first people to really be nice to me and want to be friends with me. She was so smart and so kind to me. She helped me study and she was the reason why I passed that class. Your daughter was so smart and so kind and I can't even express how sad I am or how sorry I am that this happened. I ask myself sometimes why God lets something so horrible happen to such good people but I can't find the answer. I'm sorry for bothering you but I just wanted to tell you that your daughter really impacted my life and I'm heart broken that this happened. If you ever need anything my name is Kimberly Arispe. She is definitely in heaven with God. She had a good heart and was such a wonderful person. God bless.
I love you with all my heart. I saw you in the middle of the empty space you looked so bright and beautiful, I closed my eyes and you were there, and you called to me
The Wind blows but it did not move this Rocking Chair.
John explains that he was heavy in thought thinking about the family, Michelle's passing and how it has affected us all and how we miss Her so, in a loving salute John kisses his hand and throws the kiss to Michelle in Heaven.
The Rocking Chair appears to be empty but now is Rocking.
John does several double takes, and is left in awe, John does not believe what he has just seen and studies the situation for about two hours.
After the study John decides to call me and tell me what happened I asked Him if I could share the story. He said Yes.
I want to find a picture of a rocking chair so I did.
That moment you find special pictures in your memory box. The top picture really captured all our personalities, and the bottom picture was a picture of how close we were as a group. — with Anthony Miramontes, Michelle Littlefield and Brian Lewandowski at Six Flags Magic Mountain.
SILVIA GUZMAN - As time passes the emotional pain becomes heavier, ticker!! and makes me feel so powerless, all I can think and feel and I ask my self over and over again.... What do I do with all this pain? When is it going to stop?... I'm tired of crying !! I'm tire of being frustrated! I know that due to this stupid accident some beautiful kids can't come home or have a long and happy life and that breaks my heart even more !! And their parents pain becomes my pain and the crying starts again.. I want to be stronger but some days I simply can't!! I pray for Anthony Miramontes , Michelle Littlefield, Alfonso Morillo and Brian Lewandowski ... For Anthony I want you to recover soon because we All miss you so Much ... For Alfonso to continue healing and enjoy life like he promise

Thank you all for the support and please don't stop praying for us !! Mi sister Sol , for Gigi Littlefield, Willy Jay for Alfonso and his parents and Brian's parents so we can all have a chance for some happiness because we are really missing it way too much!! #prayforallofus
To start everything off I would like to say thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for being a great listener. Thank you for being such a great friend. You are truly a blessing in my life. You have made me see the brighter side of life. I used to be someone I didn’t want to be and I used to do things I didn’t want to do. But I have finally overcome those times and I can finally say I am happy where I am at. You are one of the most amazing people that as ever come in to my life. You always know how to keep a smile on my face as well as know how to make me laugh. I love hanging out with you, I know sometimes I might get annoying but it’s just that whenever I see you I become the happiest man on earth. You make me feel warm on the inside. Honestly Michelle I know our future holds great things for us. We still have so many adventures, so many things to do! I will never change who I am and I sure hope you don’t change either because I love the way you are already! I mean you could maybe hit the gym a little lol jk Michelle your fine the way you are I’m just pushing your buttons. I can’t promise to fix all your problems but I can promise you won’t have to face them all alone. I always will be here for you no matter what the situation is. I will always have your back and I will always protect you from any harm. Michelle Marylin Littlefield will always be known as the person who gave tony that extra push he needed to succeed in life. You will always be the one who helped me get through school or at least motivated me to do better. Maybe when we both get our degrees we can own and manage our own business together maybe even become billionaires together. That’s the dream mayuun and we can really make it happen. We just have to take it one step at a time. Sure school is a struggle right now but it will all be worth it in the long run. I truly believe you will become successful in life I believe you can do whatever you want all it takes is a little effort and support. One day we will both look back at the great times we had and laugh, smile, cry etc.…. such as the guy with the soda or the onion rings or the guy stopping in the middle of an intersection or the moment we rode slingshot. All these memories will forever be embedded into our heads never to be forgotten. Basically what I wanted to say is that Michelle you are the best thing that has happened to me thus far and I am enjoying every minute we have together. Because a day with you no matter what we do from watching friends to being study buddy’s to just simply talking in the car, every one of those moments to me are worth more than anything to me. Depending on when you read this or if you ever even notice it on your computer, just know I tony at this point in time was the happiest man alive spending time with the most amazing woman in the entirety of the universe. I wonder how much our friendship will have grown by the time you end up reading this haha It might even be tomorrow but who knows. I hope we do end up going to Oregon and flying hot air balloons and doing all the things we want to do. That would be awesome. Oh and have I ever told you that your beautiful?!? Haha cause you are. From glasses michelle to pony tail michelle you are still beautiful to me. Well michelle this is where I end this and hope that maybe one day you will understand that you mean a whole lot to me. Good bye michelle. Whenever you read this and you see me tell me that Im beautiful lol and I will know that you have read this. Thanks for being so awesome!!!!!!!!
"The Six Flags Magic Mountain family was saddened to learn about two of their team members who were tragically killed in the I-5 freeway incident in Commerce... . Our thoughts and prayers go out to their families, friends and colleagues during this difficult time." foxla.com
I am overwhelmed with the love and support shared by you all -
someone special gave us this Star Chart - Thank You.
My sweet daughter Michelle, congrats on your recognition for outstanding performance and dedication at your job, we are definitily a proud parents ,whatsoever you are amazing , huge heart, kind , generous,honest, beautiful human being . Dad and I wish you happiness and every of your dreams can come true,we love you here to the stars and beyond
On 4-3-2016 Gigi and James Ryan, visit Magic Mountain to see Michelle's work
place and fellow team mates - James - Kevin - Gigi - Matt Butler
- Michelle loved working at Magic Mountain with the other
workers and meeting all the new people.

SweetHeart we send you off with our best wishes and we pray GOD'S Spirit lead you and guide you. We pray for each other for comfort and peace. We miss you. We love you.

Alfonso Morillo with Michelle Littlefield and Brian Lewandowski at Disneyland.

Dear Michelle
Some days we just cry for you because we miss you, we feel so heavy and sad and we mourn for you. We have not lost the Faith but it is certainly tested....We reflect upon the meaning of life and death and question everything. We remember our relationship with you, we second guess many things and ourselves. We wonder what we could or should have done better with you....The way that you died was senseless and very hard to accept, the loss of You and Brian is tragic, we are mindful of Alfonso and Tony that were hurt with you. We pray for them and GOD heals them...
SweetHeart we send you off with our best wishes and we pray GOD'S Spirit lead you and guide you. We pray for each other for comfort and peace. We miss you. We love you. Mom and Dad.

This is really tough to write to you knowing that I won’t see you for a while, there are so many words that describe what a wonderful person you are, and yet so few that can describe what happened. I wish I could have been writing this for a Valentine’s Day card or just on a regular day, so that I can knock on your door and give you this letter just to see you standing softly in front of me, while I watch your beautiful eyes reading how much I love you. Our time together was short but it meant the whole world to me, I can still remember your smile, your voice, your eyes, your hair, your personality, and everything else about you. I love every single bit of you… you were everything I was looking for in a companion. I still remember the first time we met, the moment you walked into the doors of First Aid our eyes met and it was magic… you were only 17 years old and I was 19 years old, you were so beautiful my heart melted the second I saw you, I needed to know who you were and right when we started talking we had an instant connection. I remember us talking for quite a long time but I wasn’t really keeping track, all I could focus on were your amazing eyes and your smile. You left such an impression on me that I couldn’t stop thinking about you ever since. Even though my supervisor was a little angry with my excessive talking, I thought it was worth it and I could have easily done it every single day just to hear your voice. I remember every morning going to work I would hear Michelle by the Beatles over the radio and it would drive me crazy thinking of you, I just needed to see you again. I looked for you every time I worked just to get a glimpse of you or if I got lucky maybe even talk to you even if it was just for a few minutes, every time you noticed and waved to me it would make my day. When I realized what ride you worked at I couldn’t keep away, I would always try to visit whenever I could. Both of your parents said that you used to always talk about me after we first met, you don’t know how great that makes me feel, it’s the best thing in the world to know that the girl that I was falling for remembers and talks about the first time we saw each other. I remember all of this went on for about two years before I ended up getting the opportunity and courage to ask you out on our first date, I remember being so excited when you said yes, I ran somewhere where you couldn’t see me so that I could jump for joy because I was going out with the girl of my dreams. I remember being so nervous for our first date because I never felt like this towards any other person in my life, you really mattered to me I didn’t want to mess this up. This may sound funny but I had a hard time finding something to wear for our first date, but when I saw you I completely forgot about myself and anybody else around us, you put me at ease with your smile as you sat on that bench looking at me. I remember ice skating with you and feeling so good holding your hand and catching you every time we would trip over something, you made me try on figure skates while I made you try hockey skates just to be funny, you definitely caught on a lot quicker than I did, I loved how you could try anything with me and always have a good time doing it and I wasn’t afraid to try anything new with you because I trusted you, and I always thought “how could I say no to a girl like you”. It didn’t matter where we went or what we did, I always loved being around you, you knew how to have a good time no matter what we did, our conversations would last for hours and would really make me think even after we both went home. We used to talk about everything from music to where we wanted to live when we got old. We learned so much about each other in the short amount of time we were together, each time I learned something new about you the more I fell in love with you, yet there was so much more we could have learned from each other. I remember we used to make lists of what we wanted to do together, from which movies we wanted to see to the places we wanted to go, it hurts to know that we won’t be finishing that list together. Even though I loved our conversations and the lists we made, I enjoyed your company so much we could have sat looking into each other’s eyes not speaking a single word the whole night and I would have loved every single moment, I just longed to be with you. Everything I do and everywhere I go reminds me of you Bell, I can’t stop thinking about you, I have never had somebody in my life that I truly fell in love with, you were the one that showed me what love can do to me and I cannot thank you enough. I’m so glad I have had the opportunity to be a part of your life, even if it was only for a short time, because in that short time you taught me so much about life and how to enjoy it, you really cracked my shell and let me open up to you, as you did that same for me. Even though you went back home to heaven with the other angles I can still feel your presence watching and guiding me as well as everyone else that loves and knows you. You were so compassionate and caring you left a lasting impression on everyone you came in contact with, including me. I wish you were still around to see how many people you affected in such a wonderful way. I’m so devastated that I cannot see you again in this life for you have stolen my heart, I can’t imagine a life without you and it’s hard to stomach people telling me that I have to carry on… I know you are still with me though and probably reading this while I write to you. I smile at the thought of meeting you again one day, which that feeling alone keeps me strong and full of hope, and I know you would have wanted me to be strong for you so I’m trying my best. For now though I will keep a special place in my heart until the day we see each other again in paradise, and I will keep you and your parents in my life always. I love you Bell and I miss you so much.
Love you always, James/ the guy from first aid
When my cousin died, I read somewhere that the spirit wanders and visits loved ones during the first 40 days after death. After that, the spirit enters heaven, or something like that. I’m not sure what I believe anymore but today’s the 40th day, and if there’s a chance you’re still here, I’ve got things to say.
For the past four years, you’ve been the biggest part of my life. We’ve been through a whole lot, from friends, to boyfriend/girlfriend, to some fuzzy, confusing middle ground in between. But for those four years you have been the biggest presence in my life. We went through a few periods of not talking for a few weeks, and at most we didn’t talk for a month, but you always came back into my life. In a way, I always expected you to. Even now, I still do.
I miss the day I met you, we were both 15 and you kept turning around in class to laugh at my jokes when nobody else did. I miss when you called me for the first time and I missed half my swim practice to hear you tell a story. I miss when we first kissed on Halloween. My dad came into the room after and we tried to act innocent but the black makeup on your nose was smeared off and was left all over my cheek. I miss how our pet name was “babycakes”. I miss when we were sitting in the rain listening to Elliott Smith and you told me you loved me for the very first time. I love how perfect it all was.
I miss my 17th birthday when you bought me a skateboard that I plan to use for the rest of my years at college. I miss when I’d talk to another girl and you would get worried cause they were “trying to steal” me. I miss when you’d talk to other boys and I would get worried because they were “trying to steal” you. I miss playing video games for hours on the floor. I miss our first fight. I miss going to Shave It with you for ice cream every night. I miss when we went to the gym. I miss that time I was incredibly stressed and sad, and we walked around my pool perimeter talking about it. Then suddenly, fully clothed, you pulled me into the water and turned it into one of the most fun days we ever had. I miss playing Clash of Clans and Fun Run with you. I miss begging your mom to order more Slam. I miss playing GTA for hours every single night for weeks. I miss watching Pixies live. I miss how your dad used to come by at 12:30AM every night to pick you up when I had no car and I’d go to bed smiling.
I remember writing a song for you and you started crying and made your own version of it. I remember looking through your phone and finding you had written your own lyrics to my songs. I remember seeing my Soundcloud songs had a bunch of random plays and realizing it was you. I remember walking into your room and you were singing and humming my songs. I miss when we wrote songs together.
I remember when I came back from San Diego and you ran outside and hugged me for a few minutes. Then the next year, I came back from Arizona, but your dad was following behind you dancing and yelling “Christian’s home!” And you were so embarrassed. I miss helping you move to your new apartment. I remember you helping me fill out my application for Six Flags. I miss when I’d come over every day after work for what you called a quick “Kissy-kiss” and I’d pull up and see you jumping for joy and we’d spend a few hours in my car talking about our days. I remember visiting the dog shelter every week. I remember when you trained Fluffy and met Katie for the first time. I remember introducing you to the Pug craze and you fell for it harder than I did. I remember when my cousin passed and even though we were fighting, you invited me over and we talked it out as I held Porky.
I’m sorry for being irrationally angry sometimes. I’m sorry we had times when we grew apart. But I’m thankful for every time you understood and made things better.
I remember you had a dream I died in a car crash and you held me for hours crying and the only thing that calmed you down was praying and making God promise that I was gonna be okay. I should have done the same.
I miss when I turned 18 and you had decorated my entire room and surprised me when I walked in, and had 11 letters ready for me to read. I miss how 11 was our lucky number and how 11/11 was our anniversary and 11:11 was the time we always made a wish. I miss Venice, when you took that beautiful silhouette photo, fell on your face, and dashed over to come see how it turned out. I miss when we drove around Glendale/Burbank and discovered we grew up right next to each other and probably ran into each other a few times.
I miss these past 7-8 months. I remember when we didn’t talk for a while and one day I got a text from you. Then we met up and and talked for 6 hours while you hugged me. I am so grateful that we had the opportunity to be so close again all those months.
I miss studying with you. I’m so thankful that you nudged me to apply to UCSB because I got in, thanks to you.
I remember last October when I couldn’t hold it in anymore and I told you I still loved you and you didn’t hesitate to say the same. I miss your last birthday when we went to Oxnard. We ran around on the beach and raced back to my car and when I got there you were smiling and laughing. I reached out for a high five but you held my hand and kissed me instead. When I asked you why, you said it was because you were happy. I miss when you slept over after Disneyland when we went with Laurel, Daniel, Caroline, and Kevin.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have plans to call you again or if I said I wasn’t waiting for a call from you as well. I’d also be lying if I said I didn’t have any guilt or sorrow and don’t feel responsible, in one way or another, for this whole thing. Part of me can’t shake the feeling that I could’ve done something. But I know you wouldn’t want me to think that way. I wouldn’t want you to feel that way.
I miss you every day. Every single minute of every day. I don’t talk about it with anyone anymore, but I like to imagine you’re always by my side hearing me out when I need you to. I like to imagine you’re still hearing my songs, reading my hundreds of letters, and climbing into bed with me every night and hugging me as I sleep. This has been the hardest point in my life and I don’t know if I’ll ever fully recover. I knew we weren’t meant to live the rest of our days together, and you did too. But in your words, that didn’t get in the way of how much we loved each other. You always felt like we were in each others lives for a reason, and I did too. I still have the letter where you wrote it all out.
But all I want to get across to you is how thankful I am to have had the opportunity to have you in my life. From our early days as best friends to our years together in a relationship to the last few months of having you by my side again. You knew all of my secrets and took them to your grave and I will do the same. I trusted you like no other. I love you more than anything. I didn’t think it was this possible to miss someone so much. But I promise to keep you alive through my thoughts and actions and I promise to do my best for you. Thank you for being my biggest fan and my muse these 4 years. Thank you for your loving touch and your warm kiss. Thank you for teaching me to smile in pictures. Thank you for showing me how it felt to be complete.
I love you, Michelle Mcat Marylin Littlefield, babycakes, burburcurks, dawg, darg, honeybunches, etc. I always did and I always will. You’ll always be my #1 fan. I’ll never forget you. Thank you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. And as you used to say, always and forever.
Love, Christian Andrew Adog Quebral
Michelle Littlefield - I'm going to miss you so much. You will forever be my little sister. You were such an amazing person with a heart bigger than your body. Junior year was the year I knew we were going to be friends for the rest of our lives. You helped me get threw the worst moments in my life during that year. You always tried to cheer me up by making me laugh. I miss having English,Econ, summer school, and Mythology with you. You were always such a social butterfly. You have no idea how people are going to miss you. I love you so much.

Our Birth and our Death is part of Nature, God's Plan of Life and the Circle of Life-
When our lives come to an end and we pass forward we leave our loved ones behind - Our New Life and Journey is in the hands of our Creator - David lived a full but short life.
With us nothing do we Bring into the World and with us nothing do we Take - But we leave our lifes work and Loved ones behind us - When those that we Love and those that Touch us Die - We are reminded of our Own mortality and the valve of our precious days of life on Earth - Death calls everything about life into Question - Many Questions - Life and Death is a public and very private Matter- Death is a wound more to those Left Behind-
With the Life and Death questions, often comes a Mix of emotions - Denial- Anger - Rage -Sorrow -Pain - Regret - Resentment -..........................
Some of the Emotions will be Directed at those who have Died- To the CREATOR - and to others in general .............. Some of these Wounds cannot be easily healed - Time can help us to deal with the discomfort -
When we Die or when those that we Love Die - I would hope that we would extend the following to others and ourselves-
Forgiveness for our Humanity, Imperfections and Offenses.
A Focus on our Achievements, Intentions and the Good things that we have done in life.
That those that are left Behind, Strive to do their best in Live and to Move forward.
That those that are left behind Move forward with positive Focus - To forgive each other- and To build each other UP
How do we deal with Death?
Celebrate? Yes Celebrate the Life and Time that We shared With David Littlefield - Be thankful for His Life, Art, Time, Person, Stories, Special Person, ............................... Make your Own List
Mourn - You Must deal with The Pain - Do not go into denial - Mourning and feeling the Pain is Part of the Healing - Mourning helps us to release the Pain - Mourning allows us to Accept that which is Hard to accept- We must LET GO - In Death We can Reset our life - Mourning is a Process, and it Takes Time - LET GO of all Negativity - DO NOT hold bad feelings toward anyone - Move forward to the positive with forgiveness to all - The Forgiveness is the Key to moving Forward
Comfort -
We should Reflect and Ponder on the Good of those that Die - We should Let those that Die REST IN PEACE - We should share comfort and words of Faith and encouragement to Others and Each Other -
My Father (Glen Lyle Littlefield ) Died when I was 16 years old - Life was not perfect before he died and That death added some problems - I never really quite understood My father's death - A friend of My Died in the Late 1990s- And I was again Challenged By his Death - I was asked By his Family to Speak at His Funeral - I shared with you What helped me in dealing with Death - It is not Perfect - but I hope it Helps-
Tuesday, March 08, 2016
Viewing: Begins at 11:00 a.m. but open at 10:00 a.m.
Funeral/Life Celebration: 12:00 p.m. – 2:25 p.m.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Valencia
24443 McBean Pkwy
Valencia, CA 91355
3:00 p.m.
Eternal Valley Memorial Park & Mortuary
23287 North Sierra Hwy
Newhall, CA 91321
Some days we just cry for you because we miss you, we feel so heavy and sad and we mourn for you. We have not lost the Faith but it is certainly tested....We reflect upon the meaning of life and death and question everything. We remember our relationship with you, we second guess many things and ourselves. We wonder what we could or should have done better with you....The way that you died was senseless and very hard to accept, the loss of You and Brian is tragic, we are mindful of Alfonso and Tony that were hurt with you. We pray for them and GOD heals them...
SweetHeart we send you off with our best wishes and we pray GOD'S Spirit lead you and guide you. We pray for each other for comfort and peace. We miss you. We love you. Mom and Dad.
All of the comments from the above link are being copied and pasted onto this blog,
Of parting, as we feel it, who must stay
Lamenting day by day,
And knowing, when we wake upon the morrow,
We shall not find in its accustomed place
The one beloved face.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Saturday, March 12, 2016
I'm sorry to hear about your passing. I always remember watching you and Skye at Patriot Martial Arts. I remember how Skye looked up to you and appreciated having an older friend. I got to say your parents strength inspires me as a parent. What a beautiful family. I was in the area shortly after the accident and I drove by the scene, I said a prayer for you and your parents. I wish no parent would ever have to endure this tragedy. Your service was amazing and there was a lot of love and memories shared. We all as children of God have the same goal, you were just called sooner than the rest of us and I guess that's where comfort can be found and that is simply you are now walking with God and watching over your parents. Fly with the Angels Michelle and as believers in Christ we know it's not good bye, it's see you later.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family. May your beautiful memories of Michelle sustain and bring comfort to you and loved ones during these moments.
My heart is filled with joy anytime I see how much happiness Michelle brought to everyone who knew her. Please accept my deepest sympathies and know that my prayers are with you during this time.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Wednesday, March 09, 2016
Thursday, March 03, 2016
Wednesday, March 02, 2016
💗 I still can't believe she is gone! Through her passing I have learned to hold my children tighter and to really be more kind! There is not q say that has gone by and my heart does not weigh heavy! Love you willy!
ReplyDeleteI still can't believe that I won't see her again. She was my precious angel ,my baby,the most important part of my heart. I am extremely devastated but I know she wants me to move on, I don't know how but I will try my best for her,for me and my husband ,for Michelle's friends and family. My faith in God is stronger than ever,he is giving us peace and comfort at the most difficult time in our life. Thanks to all for the love and support we truly appreciated , Michelle's mom
ReplyDeleteGlory and Praise be to God in the name of Jesus Christ. I am truly sorry for your temporary loss, but you will see her again. MML also stands for the 3 synoptic gospels - Matthew Mark and Luke and MML in Roman Numerals equals 2050. I was given this sign just at the turning of midnight this year, 2018. I do not know what it means. I'm not going to say it is when Jesus comes, because no one is to know that, but I'm sure it is of some significance. Peace and Love to you and yours! You will see Michelle again!
ReplyDeleteThank You : )