GOD said let there be Light and there was Light.
Michelle Marylin Littlefield one of GOD'S Lights.
Michelle, Her singing "Someone Like You" by Adele. Michelle, Angel we love you and we will keep you in our hearts forever. (includes pictures)
Michelle Marylin Littlefield
October 28, 1996 – February 27, 2016 (February 26 - 11:55 P.M.)
Michelle Marylin Littlefield was born to William and Gigi Littlefield on October 28, 1996 in Glendale,California, weighing in at 7 pounds, 10 ounces. She attended John Marshall Elementary in Glendale and later went to Sunland Elementary School in Los Angeles where she enrolled into the magnet program. Michelle gained a love of learning early that continued into her adult years. She attended Holy Redeemer Middle School in Montrose, then West Ranch High School in Stevenson Ranch, California where she graduated in 2014. She was attending College of the Canyons studying Business where she consistently maintained a 4.0 GPA. Michelle dreamed to go to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.
Once Michelle set out to achieve a goal, she made it happen. Michelle earned a black belt in Karate at the age of 13. Many happy years were spent at the side of her dad and mom at their Patriot Martial Arts dojo in Eagle Rock. There she gained a love of physical fitness and discipline.
Michelle began work at 17 years-old at Six Flags Magic Mountain where she worked to bring smiles to the faces of visitors from all over the world. She developed many valued friendships there. She was concise and meticulous in everything she did at work, school or home. Michelle had a roll-up your sleeves, with a get- it- done attitude. Michelle was always laughing and her joyous attitude was contagious.
An only-child, Michelle was affectionately called Boo-Boo until she banned use of the nickname in her early teens. Many of her friends referred to her as their little sister. Others considered her to be their big sister. She has many cousins, aunts, and uncles both in the United States and Ecuador. Michelle was surrounded by family and friends who loved her dearly.
Her uncle David James Littlefield, Grandfather Glen Littlefield, and Grandfather Miguel Castillo preceded her in death. Grandmother Hilda Navas was also waiting for her on the other side.
The lyrics of the song “I am a child of God” depicts Michelle’s life on earth with her parents. “Lead me, Guide me, Walk beside me, Help me find the way. Teach me all that I should know to live with you one day.” Gigi and Willy led and guided her, walked beside her, and taught her well. She grew up hearing and seeing how deeply loved she was by her parents, her family, and her friends.
Although family and friends mourn the spirited future that was taken from Michelle, they are grateful that she was able to have the most important human experience. Michelle knew what it was like to live a life full of love.
She knew how to celebrate life. In fact, her last day was fittingly spent with friends at the happiest place on earth – Disneyland.
Michelle lived a life filled with a rare sort of love. And in her passing, she inspires us all to seek the same. By (Karen Perdue and Jamie Littlefield Beck)
My last conversation and prayer with my Daughter - Michelle Marylin Littlefield - Late past midnight on Thursday/Friday I had my last conversation with Michelle, we talked for a few hours, in less than 24 hours she was back in Heaven. I reminded Michelle that she is a child of GOD and that GOD loves her, cares about her, is forgiving and helping.
Michelle responded that she loves GOD and wanted to commit her life to GOD and that she likes being a child of GOD. Shortly after that we prayed, I blessed her, gave her a hug and kiss goodnight. The Last hug and Kiss. Priceless.
I share this song with all - It was the attitude and approach I had with Michelle being her Father -
I Am a Child of God - I share this song with all - It was the attitude and approach I had with Michelle being her Father -
Picture of Michelle the night of Her return to the Mansions on High 2-26-2017 - 11:56 P.M.
Today Feb 27th one year ago the most precious gift from heaven return to the eternal home . Dear friends and family in the name of Michelle I am going to ask you make a kind and generous act for other human being is definitely the best way to remember her . She was passionate to help others and her light , love and goodness will continue illuminating each of our days . We also thank each of you for your prayers and thoughts . God Bless you.
8 14 2018 - What happened on 2 27 2016
The late hours of February 26, 2016, death certificates dated 12/27/2016, just minutes after midnight.
After spending a particularly fun day at Disneyland, the inseparable group of four decided to head home. Anthony (Tony) Miramontes, Michelle Littlefield, Alfonso Morillo, and Brian Lewandowski made their way to their car and left the parking lot. At 11:30 p.m., Michelle called her mother to let her know she was on her way home and told her it had been one of the best days of her life. Each of the young adults had busy schedules of work, college, and play. Where better to play than at Disneyland? They all worked at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California and attended the College of the Canyons. Tony was driving his Nissan and Michelle was in the passenger seat. Alfonso slumped down and fell asleep almost immediately in the back drivers side. Brian was seated in the rear passenger seat. They drove north on Interstate 5. By all indications, they did not know what hit them. At most, an instant glimpse of what was coming towards them that would end Michelle and Brian's lives immediately and horrifically. Tony was incoherent with head injuries following the crash. Alfonso was unconscious. Both would be comatose from trauma to the head with other serious injuries. Alfonso made a miraculous recovery. Tony is still in a comatose state.
On the opposite side of the freeway, UPS driver Scott Treadway's life was taken in a brutal-fiery- catastrophic-crash. He was returning to the Cerritos hub as his work day came close to an end. Treadway was unaware that a street race of speeds up to 130 mph began in Hollywood, continued for 11 miles and was barreling down the freeway behind him. His first indication of trouble may have been catching a glimpse in his rear view mirror of fast movement behind him. Or maybe it was a bump or thud heard from his trailer as Lockhart, driving a 2013 Dodge Challenger made contact with the trailer's metal bumper. Perhaps the other racer who left the scene swerved in front of Treadway's rig causing him to overreact. Maybe the first and only indication was the resultant immediate lost of control, not able to correct the wobble of his trailer causing the rig to sharply careen to the K-rails. Any impact from a comparatively light vehicle, such as Lockhart's does not fully explain how the rig tractor-trailer lost control and would not generally send a tractor-trailer out of control. The tractor was a single axle with a full load. There were recalls on the steering-pin months prior. It is possible that the rig was already in trouble, something else going on; a compromised steering mechanism, blown tire or other malfunction. The load may have exceeded safe weight limits, or by the weight distributed incorrectly on the trailer. It is not known if the trailer was overloaded, the weight, distribution, and length combination on the single axle tractor may have been unstable anyway, an accident waiting to happen, a “perfect storm” given the slightest irregularity in any number of existing factors. Given that Lockhart struck the truck, it still doesn't explain how the UPS rig lost control. Was the driver's reaction/ overreaction a factor?
The tractor-trailer swerved sharply to the left at what appears to be at a 90 degree angle, crashing into the K-rails, becoming airborne, (swung, jack-knifed ) (in a swiping motion?) landing in the opposite side of the freeway, catching fire immediately, (maybe before hitting the K-rail median?) engulfing the entire rig, landing entirely upside down, partially on the K-rail. The truck spewed out, onto the road what appears to be diesel fluid. The oily substance ran alongside of the tire skids of the rig. The top of Tony's Nissan was sheared off. It appears the largest brunt of the force from the airborne trailer, the portion that landed (swiped) Tony's Nissan appears to be on the passenger side and back portion, popping the rear driver tire. The back seat where Brian sat was laid far back, into and atop the trunk, with the back bumper yanked off and rubber pulled out. The top of their vehicle was sheared off. Michelle was ejected and landed behind the car. (Injuries are typical of seatbelt injuries; R shoulder contusion, left hip and flank bruise) Alfonso ultimately was spared, perhaps because he was slumped down in his seat. Tony remains in a coma with a poor prognosis.
Other vehicles crashed, one of them causing the drivers clothing to catch fire which caused him to run with his flesh dripping off “like tortillas.” Witnesses initially thought he was the driver of the UPS truck when sighted running ablaze over the K-rails. Initially, no one knew for a certainty what happened to the UPS driver or the fate of the other involved occupants of the vehicles. No one got close enough to see except for off-duty LAPD officer who heard the screams and banging noises coming from the massive fire. The officer ran towards the noise and discovered a man trapped inside his vehicle that had “plowed into” the UPS truck when the fiery airborne rig landed in front of him. The man struggling to escape his vehicle could not open the back window on his SUV. In a panic from the ferocious heat and fiery contents of the UPS falling into his vehicle from his breached -caved in roof, he tried in vain to kick out the back window. The officer opened the window from the outside and Javier was able to escape an otherwise certain excruciatingly painful death.
Multiple other vehicles involved. One erupted in flames and the occupant was severely burned and sustained other injuries.
While victims were dying or dead, flesh was burning, blood oozing onto the freeway asphalt, agony and destruction, an odd eerie brief silence fell upon the catastrophic site. Witnesses or people coming upon the crash site began filming with their cell phones. Lockhart made no attempt to render aid or call 911 but he was clear in the head of one purpose. Cover his tracks! He jumped on social media and he and/or a friend attempted to scrub his social media sites showing his obsession with street racing. What was discovered from forensic analysis of his phone? He went from an carefree imbecile without a care in the world, giving no thought to the lives of the other people on the freeway he endangered, all because of his selfish need for speed. In a flash, he became a thinking high-functioning albeit sub-humanoid, but still a low-life-form, capable of attempting to hide his dirty deeds in a highly efficient manner. After all, his life & limb was spared. He made sure of that.
In the same blink of the eye, Scott Treadway, Michelle Littlefield, and Brian Lewandowski lost their lives. The coroners report states that Scott Treadway sustained blunt force trauma to his head and burned in his cab. Mercifully he had expired before he burned. Michelle's cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma to the head and neck. Brian also sustained blunt trauma and died due to those injuries. These three awaited for the coroner, Brian and Michelle covered by colored sheets. Scott was trapped and there was no retrieving his smoldering body from his cab until much later when the firemen were able to put out the fierce fire.
With much effort, firefighters were able to maneuver and clear the way to get to the crash. The northbound lanes were blocked by the UPS truck and trailer, trailer content debris, and the multiple vehicles involved. A huge traffic back-up was immediate as the freeway came to a complete stop. Some firefighters gained access to the crash site by climbing over the block wall from an adjacent street. Others parked on the opposite side of the freeway where Lockhart's car and a portion of the UPS rig came to a sudden halt. Once firefighters arrived, the scene was overwhelming to even the most seasoned first responders. Brian Lewandowski’s father is a homicide detective with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. It made the devastation more personal once they knew it was “one of their own.” Gorgeous aspiring young people with bright futures ahead of them lay bloodied and smashed, just minutes after their departure after spending their day at the “Happiest Place On Earth.” The UPS driver had recently been widowed and cared for his ailing elderly mother during the day. His body was charred badly in the fire and was pinned in the wreckage.
The Angel Arrives
The Angel with Family
The Angel Grows
Michelle with Family
The Angel Returns to Heaven
Michelle goes back upstairs and returns to Heaven
Michelle Littlefield stepping forward in Life
Michelle loved working at Magic Mountain, she loved her coworkers and teammates.
Green Lantern - One of the first rides Michelle enjoyed working at.
Michelle was part of the team to introduce the new ride Twisted Colossus,
On Friday Night Feb 26, 2016 at approximately 11:30 Michelle Littlefield told her mom
Gigi Littlefield that she had one of the best days of her life at DisneyLand with her friends
from Magic Mountain. Michelle told her mom she was on her way home. For Michelle life was Magical and she was one who enjoyed spreading the magic of love and kindness.
At approximately 12:01 A. M. Midnight on Feb 27 on the way back from DisneyLand and about a block down from the Citadel in Commerce, California, Michelle went back Home to the Mansions on High.
I am a Child of GOD . View of the Heavens Into GOD'S hands and protection,
A citadel is a fortified structure designed to provide protection... Citadel remains a useful word, particularly when you need to create a metaphor suggesting strength and safety. A Mighty Fortress is our GOD
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
Thee Temple
Another Mansion in Guayaquil Ecuador
Another Mansion Russian - Church of the Savior Transfiguration
Want some good music to listen to as you view the blog - click Music
Above - Michelle Littlefield at Sunland, CA.

James Ryan - Below
I miss everything about you. I never told you this because I thought it would be too soon but I love you Bell you were my world. Maybe one day I'll be able to see you again in heaven to tell you this in person, but in the mean time you will always have a special place in my heart. My prayers go out to you and your parents, and also to Brian, Tony, Alfonso, and their families as well. I love you my Bell
Above and Below Michelle with Lori Chua
Michelle met Lori at Holy Redeemer in Montrose -
Lori Chua, one of Michelle's best friends —

Michelle was an only child but had many friends, brothers and sisters.
Sister Brown of Tonga and Sister Oseen of Idaho - Both knew Michelle
and are getting transferred and came by to pay respects
(Sunday night 3 27 2016) James Ryan visiting with Gigi and Family.

Michelle Littlefield - John Marshall Elementary School Glendale, CA
Michelle Littlefield - Kicking it in class at http://patriotmartialarts.com
Michelle working at Magic Mountain, Valencia, CA.
Michelle and Malyia
Above Michelle was Unique - Below Michelle loving and living life fully - Happy
Baby Michelle Littlefield with Mama Gigi
Above Michelle with her Mother Gigi - Below Michelle Littlefield with her Father Willy
Michelle's Goals

My Michi and I in Ecuador , I love you Michelle, Thank God for the most beautiful gift, for letting me have twenty years with one of your most precious angels. Gigi


Michelle's art at 5 years old. I found this piece of art , my heart hurts , I miss Her so much . Michelle with a big red heart, Her cousin Kyle , her daddy Willy first on the left and mommy Gigi . She is drawing this when she was five years old. I love you too Michi
Michelle doing Karate in the yard in Sunland, CA.
Michelle Littlefield at the Beach - At the three crossings of the Water, Earth and Heaven - Now Heaven!
It took Michelle 7 years of training to get Her blackbelt.
Michelle Littlefield back right with glasses on, at Patriot Martial Arts
Michelle Littlefield with her dad Willy - Valencia Town Center in CA
Michelle likes to party all the time.
Michelle with Melissa from Holy Redeemer
Michelle Flower Girl
Michelle's card for Mother Gigi
This is from Hannah Michelle's friend and classmate from Holy Redeemer her
Middle school ,Thanks Hannah for sharing this with me , really made
Me cry . means a lot to us , thank you again , many blessings for you and your family, tons of hugs . Gigi 😇
Middle school ,Thanks Hannah for sharing this with me , really made
Me cry . means a lot to us , thank you again , many blessings for you and your family, tons of hugs . Gigi 😇

Michelle was Respected by Ms Lisa Tush
Michelle's Life Board
Being happy with friends

never be forgotten.. keep watching ur mommy and daddy from above.. give hugs and kisses to God from us.. we will all see you again. Diana Tanner-OrtegaMy two angels:
My cousin Michelle that watches over us from heaven and taught us so much of life, I promise to be a better person for you and my aunt Michelle Littlefield Gigi Littlefield that with his strength and his great heart follows us teaching of life.. I love you
So much.. My two angels. My Angel in the
Earth and my little angel in the
To the littlefields, my prayers for Willy, Michelle and Gigi.. Please help us with your prayers.
Denise Michelle Cuca Gigi
Michelle Marylin Littlefield - with Cathy Q. Cesar Q. and Christian Quebral -
West Ranch High School Graduation held at College of the Canyons
Michelle with Katie Dog above -- Below Michelle with her mom Gigi

Hello Mrs. Littlefield, my names is James Wilcox and I'm a student at College of the Canyons. First I would like to offer my condolences to you, your family, and the other families involved in the accident. I would like to share with you the only memory I have with Michelle. I was privileged enough to meet Michelle for the first time about 3 weeks ago at the Urbane Café close to campus. Before meeting her at Urbane I had never met or seen her before. I was there with a mutual friend of mine who knew Michelle, and they said hello to each other as soon as Michelle walked in the door. Moments later, Michelle turned to me with the biggest smile on her face, and she introduced herself and asked me what my name was in such a kind and polite way that I was truly surprised. She has one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen, and she is a very charming young woman. We talked for some time before she had to leave, and unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to get to know her as much as I would have liked. Michelle has made an impact on my life and has inspired me to show others, including strangers, utmost respect and to be very welcoming towards them. Although I had never met Michelle before that night, I knew right away that she was a very unique woman. She is considerate, thoughtful, and a very warm person all around, and I look forward to meeting her again and having the opportunity to get to know her more. You and your family have my complete support through this difficult time, and I keep all of you in my thoughts. When I was at the vigil the other night, I heard somebody say that one of Michelle's biggest fears was not making an impact on other peoples lives. Although Michelle and I only met and knew each other for the briefest amount of time, she was still able to make a positive impact on my life, and because of that, I know she has made a huge impact on many other peoples lives as well. She truly is an amazing woman, and I believe one day I will see and be able to get to know her more. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and as always, I support you and your family as we go through this difficult time.
Above Michelle with Cameron Taylor AKA CamHam
Michelle with Ivy Holt-Hoppe
I loved every time I got to hang out with this girl. It hasn't fully hit me yet that I can't call
out her name around campus anymore. I love you Michelle. RIP.
I loved every time I got to hang out with this girl. It hasn't fully hit me yet that I can't call
out her name around campus anymore. I love you Michelle. RIP.

Below - Michelle with Laurel Carrillo

Michelle and Christian - Rancho Palos Verdes

Below Michelle with her Grandma Marilyn
It still breaks my heart and shocks me that Michelle Littlefield is gone. Such a sweetheart she is, and is so caring and hardworking. I still remember fun times with you and just knowing you was a true honor. heart emoticon everyone please please be safe on the roads, and please appreciate what you have, because in a split second, everything can change. You will forever be missed Michelle, we love you, and thank you for being such a nice person to me, and to everybody. you don't know how much you have changed everyone's lives. You really brought out the best in people, and we know you are in a better place and are smiling down on us. Rest in peace beautiful angel. Lavender Byrd

Hello Mrs, Littlefield. I remember taking this photo. Michelle and I were both on the opening crew for Twisted Colossus. Although Michelle and I weren’t very close outside of work I will always remember her being the KINDEST and SWEETEST girl. I loved working with her! She was so easy to get along with and willing to offer a helping hand. I still think about her, I still think about all of them. It was a pleasure knowing Michelle. I just left Six Flags after a good 4 1/2 years and I will always cherish my memories that I made there. Opening that ride and meeting everyone there was by far the best memory that I have there. I have a picture that I’d like to send you, it’s of all of the girls from Twisted Colossus, maybe you’ve already seen it. As soon as I find it, I’ll send it to you. I hope that you’re doing well and yes I would love to meet you for coffee or lunch sometime. Nichole Vargas
BELOW Kyle Perry - Karen Perdue - Michelle Littlefield
Michelle with Leila Alton
Rest in peace, Michelle Littlefield. You were a lovely person with a huge heart. I always remember you laughing and smiling in class with me, making sure to keep the mood fun and entertaining. It was a joy to be able to call you my friend
Michelle Marylin Littlefield's
Parents Gigi and Willy -below RPV, CA.
By Michelle Littlefield
I remember going to Uncle
Dave’s office when I was younger and him to show me all of his magic tricks. He
would have one arm longer than the other, he would swallow his keys, and lose
some coins in his ear. He would always give me candy and
ask me how my days at school were going. As I entered his office, he’d greet me
with “Hey there Booboo-a-gogo!” and a warm hug.
I remember drinking water in
my dad’s office with Uncle Dave by my side. I swallowed it the wrong way and
started coughing and couldn’t stop. He smiled at me and giggled while saying, “You
need to learn to chew your water better.” That sense of humor always brought a
smile to my face.
I remember him being Santa
Claus for Christmas every year. I realized it was him from such a young age
with his heartfelt laugh and rosy cheeks. I asked him about it quite a few
times and he always denied it to keep the dream living.
I remember him asking me if I
liked bananas. Telling him it was my favorite fruit at the time, he said, “Well
you know why that is? It’s because you were a monkey before. Monkey’s favorite
fruit is banana and since we came from monkey’s that explains why it’s your
favorite fruit.”
I remember as my cousins and
I were running around the house aimlessly finding something to do, he would
always try to find different ways to entertain us and keep us happy. He showed
us motor scooters and rubber-band guns and so much more.
-Your niece, Michelle
Posted 6-12-2016
Michelle Littlefield wrote this in 2013. Now Michelle is walking the
Below contains pictures of Michelle's family, family history, records, dates and is a work in progress.
Littlefield & Family - GOD it seems calls the Littlefields home on the 27th-28th of Feb
Michelle Marylin Littlefield (Oct 28 1996 - Feb 27 2016)
Michelle was born to Hilda Gisela (Castillo) Littlefield and William Jay Littlefield.
David James Littlefield David Littlefield (Sept 9 1957- Feb 28 2013), will be remembered for his generous spirit. David was born to Marilyn June (Page) Littlefield and Glen Littlefield in 1957

Posted 6-12-2016
Michelle Littlefield wrote this in 2013. Now Michelle is walking the
same heaven with my dear brother in law David Littlefield, sending tons of hugs for both.
Anyways we have wifi and a home phone now so I'm a lot happier
Well I have pandora playing on the 'Stairway to Heaven' radio and
I heard the song which reminded me of my uncle, Uncle Dave,
that died not too long ago. I think it's because he might have put
this song on my first MP3 player. So what I realized is that I never
talked about it due to the fact I started this writing after his death.
Ugh…let's just say that was the worst experience ever. There are no
words for the way that affected me. I miss him still so much and it
was quite a lot of months ago. I think of him often, I even wrote
about it for my college essay. I pray to God that he is safe and happy
and to tell him I said hi. I just wanted to say that I really loved him
and it still amazes me that he does not walk the same earth that I
do…that I will never see him for any holiday ever again. It always
makes me sad to think about it, sometimes makes me teary-eyed…I
feel like I had so many memories with him.
Well I have pandora playing on the 'Stairway to Heaven' radio and
I heard the song which reminded me of my uncle, Uncle Dave,
that died not too long ago. I think it's because he might have put
this song on my first MP3 player. So what I realized is that I never
talked about it due to the fact I started this writing after his death.
Ugh…let's just say that was the worst experience ever. There are no
words for the way that affected me. I miss him still so much and it
was quite a lot of months ago. I think of him often, I even wrote
about it for my college essay. I pray to God that he is safe and happy
and to tell him I said hi. I just wanted to say that I really loved him
and it still amazes me that he does not walk the same earth that I
do…that I will never see him for any holiday ever again. It always
makes me sad to think about it, sometimes makes me teary-eyed…I
feel like I had so many memories with him.
Littlefield & Family - GOD it seems calls the Littlefields home on the 27th-28th of Feb
Thank you everyone for your prayers over my family. Please continue to pray for my cousin's friend "Tony" Anthony Miramontes who survived the accident but is still unconscious in the hospital!
It is easy for us to blame God at a time like this but I believe it is important for us to all remember, it's not that the Lord allows for things like this to happen, he allows for all things to happen. We have free will and the fact is, we are human beings capable of making mistakes and susceptible to sin. Bad things will happen to good people, good things will happen to bad people and vice versa. In this case, irresponsible drivers made a deadly mistake that took the life of someone dear to us and the lives of other cherished souls.
I do not believe it was your time yet and unfortunately you were taken from us prematurely. The Lord may not have called you home but you showed up to his door step and he welcomed you in w/ open arms. We can all rest assured that you are in good hands!
Today is the anniversary of My uncle's death, his father (my grandfather) and his sister's death as well. Apparently Feb 27 & 28th is either a generational curse over my family or a blessing in disguise when God calls us home.
This pic below is my cousin as a child and my Uncle who passed away 3yrs ago today. I love and miss u both. I am happy knowing that you were two of the most loving people in our family so I can rest assured that you're in a better place!

Michelle Marylin Littlefield (Oct 28 1996 - Feb 27 2016)
Michelle was born to Hilda Gisela (Castillo) Littlefield and William Jay Littlefield.
David James Littlefield David Littlefield (Sept 9 1957- Feb 28 2013), will be remembered for his generous spirit. David was born to Marilyn June (Page) Littlefield and Glen Littlefield in 1957

Michelle Littlefield - Littlefield Line - Left Marilyn June Page Littlefield
Right (Glen Lyle Littlefield) Grandpa
Michi your dad and I love you so much . This is your memorial stone. You had a beautiful life , full of goals accomplished . . You gave so much love to everyone had the privilege of being part of your journey. You were an extraordinary human being with your example and kindness touched the lives of many so you have not gone , you will be forever in our hearts. Now we will continue spreading your message until the last day of our existence when we meet again. Thanks God for Our blessed angel .
Michelle Marylin Littlefield's spirit returned to GOD in the Heavens on Feb. 26, 2016
at approx. 11:55 (Feb 27 2016) Her body was laid to rest on March 8th 2016 -
heart emoticon— with David Littlefield.
David Littlefield and Mary Littlefield
Below - At Mc Groaty Park Sunland, CA.

Uncle David Littlefield - Resting place -

Uncle David Littlefield - Resting place -
Larkin Sunset Gardens Cemetery (1950 E 10600 S Sandy, UT).
Michelle's Great Aunt
Glen Lyle littlefield (Michelle's Paternal Grand Father)
Birth: | Nov. 2, 1928 Sandy Salt Lake County Utah, USA |
Death: | Feb. 28, 1977 Los Angeles Los Angeles County California, USA Buried at Sandy, Utah |
Lee Littlefield with Angel Littlefield - Michelle's Great Uncle
and Michelle's Cousin Angel
Cecilia Castillo de Gómez. And Michelle's Grandma
Hilda (Navas) Castillo and the Baby Gigi Littlefield
Below Baby Gigi Littlefield - Michelle's MOM
Above Baby Gigi with Sisters - Below Gigi with siblings
Below Michelle's Grandma, Gigi's Mother Clamencia (Navas) Castillo
Michelle's Grandmother - Far Right Bottom Clamencia Navas and Sisters
At Holy Redeemer in Montrose/Glendale, CA. Michelle With Grandmother Marilyn June (Page) Littlefield and Aunt Jeril Ann Perry
Above - Below Michelle's Dad the Youngest William Jay Littlefield and Siblings John L, David L. Karen L, and Jeril L
Above Michelle's Grandmother (Paternal Marilyn June Page)
Below with children John L, David L. Karen L, and Jeril L
Below Mich's Grandma - Aunt Carol - and Great Grandma Mary Page in Small Picture
The Little girl Above is GIGI - Gigi Below - Bottom row Second from the right
Below Michelle's Grandma and great Grama
Other Family History Stuff
Glen Lyle Littlefield
Found 10 Records, 8 Photos and 495,510 Family Trees
Born in Sandy City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA on 1924 to William Omer Littlefield and Mary Elvira Campbell. He passed away on 28 Feb 1977 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.
William Omer Littlefield
Found 10 Records, 7 Photos and 495,510 Family Trees
Born in Utah, USA on 1886 to David Orson Littlefield and Mary Louise Riggs. William Omer marriedMary Elvira Campbell and had 7 children. He passed away on 9 May 1950 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA.
David Orson Littlefield
Found 10 Records, 4 Photos and 495,510 Family Trees
Born in Qunicy, Hancock, Illinois, USA on 5 Feb 1845 to Waldo Littlefield and Mary Leah Thompson. David Orson married Mary Louise Riggs and had 3 children. He passed away on 18 Nov 1898 inHerrieville, Garfield, Utah, USA.
Mary Louise Riggs
Found 10 Records, 3 Photos and 837,458 Family Trees
Born in Quincy, Adams, Illinois, USA on 1851 to John Lyle Riggs and Nancy Buford Morris. Mary Louise married Hoppin. Mary Louise married Samuel Morrison Meacham and had 2 children. Mary Louise married David Orson Littlefield and had 3 children. She passed away on 8 Oct 1909 in Beaver, Beaver, Utah, USA.
Waldo Littlefield
Found 10 Records, 7 Photos and 495,510 Family Trees
Born in New York, USA on 1808 to Josiah Littlefield and Eunice Hunt. Waldo married Mary Leah Thompson and had 10 children. Waldo married Mary Homest. He passed away on 1899 in Richfield, Utah, USA.
Mary Elvira Campbell
Found 10 Records, 9 Photos and 7,759,685 Family Trees
Born in Virgin, Washington, Utah, USA on 1889 to Ralph Allen Campbell and Susan Elizabeth Eager. Mary Elvira married William Omer Littlefield and had 7 children. She passed away on 4 Jul 1964 inSalt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah, USA.
Ralph Allen Campbell
Found 10 Records, 10 Photos and 7,759,685 Family Trees
Born in Canton, Steuben, New York, USA on 15 Oct 1832 to Ezekial Campbell and Elizabeth Fuller. Ralph Allen married Susan Elizabeth Eager and had 11 children. Ralph Allen married Lydia Ann Brewer. He passed away on 25 Aug 1916 in Henriville, Garfield, Utah, USA.
Pictures below - Glen Lyle Littlefield - Michelle's Paternal Grand Pa